Charity raffle driven hunt

Because we are hunters, because we are people, because we are committed to society, for all this and much more, on the 3rd of December we will be holding a great driven hunt "against childhood cancer", in collaboration with the Aladina Foundation, a foundation that cares for and worries about the emotional state of children who spend long periods of time ill.
To this end, they work daily to "improve the hospital stay of the children and their families" and in this way make them feel at home. 50 places for the driven hunt will be raffled by means of a draw before a notary which will take place on the 21st of November.
This driven hunt will remain in our memory forever, and without a doubt, the trophies and sets will take a back seat leaving smiles and happiness as the main objective for those who are going through a hard patch in life.
The raffle consists of 50 montería places and therefore there will be 50 winners. In addition, the first three winners will also receive:
- 1st Award: 2 Nights at the Parador de Sigüenza (2 persons) + 1 Dinner at "El Doncel" (2 persons).
- 2nd Award: 2 Nights at the Parador de Sigüenza (2 persons).
- 3rd Award: 1 Dinner at "El Doncel" (2 people).
Operation of the draw:
- 50 places: 50 winners
- The dinners and nights will only be for the first 3 winners.
- The draw will take place on 21 November in front of a notary.
- The winners will be contacted by phone call or sms (therefore it is necessary to put the mobile number in the subject of the transfer, explained below).
- All requirements must be met in order to participate.
- Please note: it is not necessary to be a hunter to participate, you can participate for the dinners and nights in Sigüenza and not for the hunting post. In that case, if you get a driven hunt stand, it would remain in the hands of the organisation.
To participate:
Make a transfer to this account:
ES41 0182 2458 1802 0105 8319
*You can participate as many times as you wish with just one transfer (Ex. 30€ = 3 participations).
Beneficiary foundation:
"When Paco Arango, our founder, first walked through the door of a children's cancer hospital as a volunteer in 2001, he knew that this was the place where he would stay and where he would be able to repay the good fortune he had had in life.
Four years later, in 2005, he set up the Aladina Foundation. Since then, we have been working to ensure that no sick child or family ever loses their smile or their will to fight. We care for them with all our affection from the moment they arrive at the hospital and we accompany them every day so that they know they are not alone and feel our unconditional support.
Today, we are a reality that benefits around 1,500 sick children from all over Spain every year in the 18 hospitals where we collaborate".