Hunting dogs fall outside the scope of the Animal Welfare Act.

The hunting sector has been fighting for months for the Animal Welfare Law not to go ahead with numerous congresses, protest movements and big events such as the historic 20M in Madrid. It seems that, little by little, they are managing to put a stop to this irrational, animalistic law.
One more step for hunting
Thanks to several amendments presented by various parliamentarians in the Congress of Deputies groups, namely PSOE, PP, Vox, PNV, Coalición Canaria and Teruel Existe. It has been achieved that the law promoted by Unidas Podemos has a new exception in its application. This would have brought the coalition government into conflict, as their positions are very much at odds.
In addition to hunting dogs, this proposal also includes shepherd dogs, police dogs, army dogs, ferrets and falconry birds, among others. All these animals will be given their own legislation, different from those considered pets.
The spokesman for the Socialists, Patxi López, states that it is not lawful to eliminate an animal from the law just because of the work it does and asks that consideration be given to withdrawing the amendment. This has also caused an uproar among animal rights groups who argue that all animals should be treated equally and threaten to go on strike to collect abandoned dogs from hunters.
Despite this, it seems that the opinion of hunters has been heard in Parliament, and we will continue to fight to give visibility to our work in biodiversity in environments such as the ban on clay pigeon shooting or the possession of a training course for dog ownership.
Author: María Balletbó