How to get your hunting licence? Everything you need to know!

In order to become a hunter you have to go through a series of fundamental steps to get started in this art.
In this blog we show you the process that we have all had to follow to be able to enjoy our passion.
First of all, in order to hunt with a firearm, it is strictly necessary to obtain a firearms licence. In this case we can basically distinguish between the E licence, which will cover shotguns, and the D licence, which is necessary for the possession of rifles.
In these two cases, we must go to the Intervención de Armas de la Guardia Civil in our city in order to begin the process of obtaining the firearms licences. In this body of the Civil Guard we will have to present in the first instance (VERY IMPORTANT TO ASK FOR AN APPOINTMENT IN ADVANCE):
On the Guardia Civil's website you can find the form for the first application for D and E firearms licences.
Photocopy of ID card
Certificate of psychophysical aptitude
Payment of fees
Once we have submitted all the corresponding documentation and paid the fees, the Intervención de Armas de la Guardia Civil will provide us with a test book with the syllabus to study and will propose a date for the exam.
There are several websites that can help you to take these tests without the need to use paper.
The exam consists of a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part consists of 20 multiple-choice questions in which we cannot exceed 3 failures in order to pass. Once the theoretical exam has been completed, the results are communicated at the same time and those who have passed go directly to the shooting gallery to take the practical exam. (If a friend or relative with a firearms licence accompanies us, they can accompany us and lend us their firearm to take the exam. If you do not have a gun, the centre will lend you one).
The practical exam takes place in a shooting gallery (in the same location where you take the theoretical exam) and consists of shooting 2 shots at a target 25 metres away if you take the exam with a shotgun and 5 shots at the same target if you take the exam with a rifle.
The aim is for the candidate to know how to handle the weapon safely, the loading process and the shooting process.
They are not looking for marksmanship, but for safety and common sense.
If we carry out this test following the safety measures, we will finally obtain a pass and in a few days we will have our firearms licence. All that remains is to buy a gun or borrow one from someone you know. There is a special form on the website of the Guardia Civil for the loan of a weapon called "Cesión y transmisión de armas" (Transfer and transmission of weapons).
At this point you can have a gun, but not hunt, you can only go to the different shooting facilities to practice.
It is very important that when you are going to have a weapon in your possession (whether it is loaned or your own) it is always accompanied by its Ownership Guide, this is the document that specifies the details of your weapon: model, make, origin, calibre, serial number and owner.
To hunt you need:
Hunter's Insurance
All hunters must have compulsory civil liability insurance. This insurance can be requested from any insurance company.
Hunting licence
To obtain your licence for the first time you will need to take a hunter's exam. To find out about the syllabus and how this exam will be carried out, we must go to the Environment offices in our city, as each Autonomous Community has its own requirements.
There are 2 types of licences:
Autonomous: valid for hunting in the Autonomous Community to which it belongs.
Interautonomous: allows you to hunt in several communities. The communities that have signed the Interautonomic agreement are: Galicia, Asturias, Aragon, Valencia, Castile and Leon, Madrid, Murcia and Extremadura.
In addition, if you are going to hunt in a hunting ground you need a hunting permit or hunting ground card. To obtain this document you must become a member of one.