BSF Yimi BSF Container

Entrega en 48 - 72h

Productos Validados por YWH

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The BSF Yimi Container is an essential accessory to optimize the feeding of wild boars. Its main function is to collect the dispensations made by a dispenser and channel them towards an outlet where the BSF Yimi Trapdoor is attached. This intelligent system limits feed withdrawal based on the dispenser's schedule, extending shelf life and efficiently managing the feed supply from the bin. Furthermore, it can be used without a dispenser, increasing the capacity of the main tank.
With a fastening system to the tank that allows quick and easy detachment by means of knobs, the BSF Yimi Container facilitates the handling of the dispenser and its installation.
Designed to be compatible and adaptable to almost any tank, this container is capable of transforming any feeder with an electronic dispenser into a dedicated boar feeder with precise ration programming.
*Important: The BSF Yimi Container is only compatible with the Moultrie All in One dispenser.
Improve efficiency and control wild boar feeding with the BSF Yimi Container. Optimizes feed management and guarantees its adequate distribution for the well-being of the animals.
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Ventajas y características principales
- Sujeción rápida y sencilla: Con palometas para desacople rápido.
- Compatible con dispensadores electrónicos: Ideal para adaptarse a sistemas existentes.
- Uso sin dispensador: Aumenta la capacidad del depósito principal.
- Limita la extracción de alimento según la programación del dispensador.
- Optimiza la alimentación de jabalíes con un control preciso de las raciones.
- Compatibilidad: Solo compatible con el dispensador Moultrie All in One.