Roe deer, from the field to the table

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Pago Seguro
The conviction that the nutritional and gastronomic argument is fundamental for the defence of hunting in 21st century society is the north towards which the compass of Pablo Ortega's latest work is oriented. Following in the wake of his previous books Cosas de corzos and Más cosas de corzos, the first part of this book details step by step the procedure to be followed from the moment a roe deer is shot in the field until its final presentation on the plate.
The necessary phases of winnowing, skinning, butchering and quartering are thoroughly explained with magnificent photographs. In the second part of the book, twenty-four recipes, elaborated with the different parts of the anatomy of this cervid and also perfectly illustrated with images, aim to highlight the culinary virtues of an animal whose meat, still not sufficiently known or appreciated, is perhaps the most exquisite of our big game species.
Inside on 170 g coated paper in four-colour process. Hard cover. Chrome binding with round spine.
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Ventajas y características principales
The necessary stages of dressing, skinning, butchering and cutting are carefully explained with magnificent photographs. In the second part of the book, twenty-four recipes, made with the different parts of the anatomy of this cervid and also perfectly illustrated with images, aim to highlight the culinary virtues of an animal whose meat, not yet sufficiently known or appreciated, is perhaps the most exquisite of our big game species. 220x265mmInterior in 170 gr coated paper in four-color process. Hard cover. Chrome binding with round spine